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If you have osteoporosis, medical treatment can prevent future bone loss and reduce the risk of bone frature. 

What is Osteoporosis 

Osteoporosis means bones with holes.It occures when bones lose minerals such as calcium more quickly than the body can replace them. They become less dens, lose strength and break more easily. 

Most people don't realise they have oseoporosise until fracture happens , however there are many risk factores which can impact bone health and those should be investigated. Early intervention and diagnosis can healp prevent unwanted factures, as there are usually no signes or symptomes. 

Osteoporosis can make any of your bones more likely to break, but the most commonly affected include your:

  • hips fracture

  • Wrists 

  • fractured vertebra

 The sooner osteoporasis is diadnosed the less likely you are to experiance bone fractures,especialy if you're over 65 year old. 


More than 50 million people in US live with osteoporosis. Studies have found that 1 in 3 addults over 50 who don't have osteoporosis yet have some degree of reduced bone density (osteopenia). If osteopenia is not treated, can become psteoporosis. 

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Symptoms of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis doesn't have symptoms the way lots of other health conditions do. The most common symptom is suddenly breaking a bone, specially after a small fall or minor accident that usually wouldn't hurt you. 


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