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Privacy Policy & Cookie Policy 

 How we use and protect your personal data

Hearts Kind is asking you to read our privacy statement as this is giving you trust, confidence and support in understanding how we collect, store, use and share your information. It will give you information of how to contact us with regards to date enquiries.


Who Are We

Hearts Kind Limited Company Number (12397070)  Registered Address  29 Kingsley Avenue Cheshunt Hertfordshire EN8 9PU  ("Hearts Kind" "we", "us", or "our" offer a digital platform to help you find and connect directly with the best professional carers.

Hearts Kind value the privacy of everyone. We understand that you may worry about how we collect and use your data. We care about your privacy and data protection and we are committed to protecting your information .We want you to know all about how we collect your data, how we use it and how we share it. Our best interest is to keep your personal information safe but also we do know that know website can be completely secure. 


The Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy relates to our use of any personal information regarding you we collect and process via our website, mobil application or any other personal information you provide to us in person, via email, telephone call, messages  or other means. 


The term processing, personal data, data controller, data subject have the same meaning as set out in the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time and including all subordinate legislation made from time to time under the DPA or as defined by the Regulation of the Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural person with regards to the procession of personal data  and on the free movement of the data, and repealing Directive 95/46/ec (the GDPR) once applicable and /or any corresponding or equivalent national law or regulation once in force and applicable (Applicable Data Protection Law). 

For you to understand and learn more about the right to privacy and data protection , you can visit the Information Commissioner Office (ICO) website at


Key Terms of Privacy Policy 


Data Controller - means the individual or organisation that, alone or jointly with others, exercises overall control over how Personal Data are processed and the purposes of such treatment.


Data Processor - means any person (other than an employee of the data controller) who processes the data on behalf and under the instruction of the Data Controller.


Communication Methods - means email, telephone, notices posted on our site, or any other communication methods.


Personal Data - means any information relating to a living individual who can be directly or indirectly identified in particular by reference to an identifier. Personal Data may include identification numbers, location data and online identifiers.


Platform - means Hearts Kind platform for connecting carers and their potential clients mainly via Hearts Kind website but also trough other Communication Methods.


Processing - means obtaining, recording or holding data or carrying out any operation in relation to Personal Data.


Sensitive Personal Data - means data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.


Services - mean the services provided by Hearts Kind to the individuals using the Platform to connect with carers (Care Recipient) and the services offered by Hearts Kind to the carers using the Platform (“Carers”). Such services shall include, without limitation to it ,making introductions, electronic messaging, facilitating bookings between Carers and Clients, and collecting payments on behalf of Carers in accordance with Hearts Kind Care Recipient Terms for the time being.


Third-Party Websites - mean websites owned and operated by third parties. Site means Hearts Kind website or app as available from time to time


Website Users

The following terms in this paragraph apply only to individuals using the Site who are not otherwise using our Services or actively enquiring about our Services.


Data Controller 

Hearts Kind will be the Data Controller with regards to the processing of your Personal Data and has the responsibility to make sure your personal information is: 

  • Used lawfully, fairly and in transparent manner 

  • Collected only for valid purposes and being used within limit

  • All information is accurate and keeps up to data

  • Kept for as long as necessary

  • Is kept secure.


Legally Processing the Site 

If you navigate our Site, you consent to the processing of your Personal Data under this Privacy Policy. You can always opt-out or control how we use your data. 


What personal Data we collect and where from

You may give us information about you when filling in the forms on our website or by corresponding with us by phone, email, text or otherwise. This includes information you provide when you subscribe to our services, complete a survey, report a problem with our site, request further services. The information you provide to us may include your Name, address, email address, phone number, and personal description about the service receiver or the responsible party of the care receiver. 


Important to remember - We collect information only from you directly (Care receiver) or via your authorised representative who has confirmed that they are authorised to provide this information on your behalf. This is for data privacy reasons. 


Information we collect about you 

 With regards to each visit to our site we may automatically collect the following Information :

  • Technical information, including the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the internet, your login in information, browsing, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating systems and platforms 

  • Information about your visits including the full Uniform Resource Locations (URL) through and from our site, date and time you have been on our site, products you have viewed or searched for, download error , length of visits to pages, page interaction, cookies and methods used to browse away the page and any phone numbers used to call our care receivers number. 


How we use your Personal Data 

We use your personal data to give you access to our Site and to provide you with information about Hearts Kind Services. Also to contact you through any Communication Method about our Service, provided that you have previously consented to us contacting you, produce aggregate insights that do not identify you and investigate, respond to and resolve complaints and service issues .


What do we use your personal Information for


  • Administer and process registration

  • Authenticate and grant Carer and Client to some areas of our Site

  • Making introductions, facilitating bookings between carer, clients and collecting payments on behalf of Carers in accordance with Hearts Kind Client Terms for the time being .

  • Corespondents with Clients Carers and individual enquiring about the Service through any communication method, about enquiries, registration, bookings and other Services related to request

  • Contact clients and carers via any communication methods about the availability of our services, security, other service-related issues, network updates , reminders and suggestions .

  • Provide carer ,client and individual enquiring about the Service with information about our offerings .

  • Maintain good relationship with Client and Carer 

  • Providing and improving quality of service to clients by reviewing data to ensure we provide clients with best possible service 

  • Produce aggregate insights that do not identify any individual user of our Services and investigate, respond to and resolve complaints and service issues . 


How we share your Personal Data

We taking your privacy very seriously and to develop our Services we may share your information where: 

  • Carer are on the Hearts Kind Care platform and who may be able to provide services to you or someone that you representing. 

  • Our legal duty to assist with detecting fraud and tax evasion, economic crime prevention, regulatory reporting, litigation or defending legal rights. 

  • where we have a legitimate reason for doing so e.g. to manage risk, or assess your suitability for service or if we asked you for your permission to share your information and you have agreed to do so. 

  • Third parties (e.g. for maintenance, analysis, audit, payments, marketing and development) They will only have access and use your information as reasonable as possible to perform those tasks on our behalf.

  • Subcontractors or business partners who may perform the Service we entered into with them or you on behalf of Hearts Kind Care 

  • Our subsidiaries, as defined by section 1162 of the Company Act 2006 as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time , provided that our subsidiaries will be subject to the same terms of our Privacy Policy


We may have to disclose your Personal Data including your Sensitive Personal Data, if is needed to investigate, prevent, or take action where suspected or actual illegal activities or to assist government enforcement agencies: enforcing our agreement with you, investigate and defend ourselves against any third party claims or allegations, protect the security of our services. 

We will notify you about the legal demands for your Personal Data which may include some of your Sensitive Personal Data , when appropriate in our judgment, unless prohibits by law or court order or when the request is an emergency . 

We my also share your Personal Data including your Sensitive Personal Data as part of sale, merger or change in control, or in preparation for any events . 


How long we keep your Personal Data

We will retain your Personal Data for as long as you use the service and for a reasonable time thereafter. After you have terminated your use of our services, to comply with our legal obligation (including law enforcement requests ) meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes ,maintain security ,prevent fraud and abuse we may need to retain part of your Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Date for up to 10 years and thereafter may store it in an aggregated and anonymously format


Your rights 

  • Under the Data Protection Laws, you will have the right to access the information held about you and this can be exercised as you wish.

  • You have the right to object to our use of your Personal Data for any purposes which is based upon our legitimate interests as is legal basis . 

  • You have the right to withdraw your consent to any process of your Personal Data at any time by contacting us. 

  • You have the right to rectify any Personal Data about you that you feel is inaccurate and to do that you just have to contact us

  • You have the right to correct any errors of your Personal Data and to do that you just have to contact us

  • If you wish to make  a complaint about how we process your Personal Data please contact us and we do our best to deal with your request as soon as possible . 


Cookies Policy

The terms on this policy applies to Clients and Carers of the Site as well as the individuals enquiring about the service. 

 Cookies is definite as a small file downloaded on your computer, smart phone or any other devices when you visit the website. 

This will allow the website to recognise your Device and store several information about you, like your preferences or past actions.


The way we use cookies

we place cookies onto your Device to give you and anyone visiting our Site the best possible experience.

Also, we use cookies to identify your Device, secure your access to our Site, and to know if someone attempts to access your account from a different device. This will help us to improve our site to deliver better and more personalised service. 


Anytime you visit our Site you may receive cookies from us. In particular, we use the following types of cookies:

Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are required for the operation of our Site. They include, for example, cookies that enable and support our security features.


Analytical/performance/research cookies. They allow us to analyse the number of visitors and how visitors move around our Site when they are using it. This helps us to improve our Service and the way our Site works (for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily).

Functionality cookies. These are used to recognise you when you visit our Site. This enables us to personalise our content for you, and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).

Targeting cookies. These cookies record your visit to our Site, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make our Site and Service more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose.


How to control cookies 

You should be able to control cookies through the setting preferences of your web browser (most browser manufacturers provide online help pages relating to cookie management). You should be allowed to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our Site.


Our Site allows you to opt-out of some cookies on your settings page. If you use our Site without changing your browser settings, we will assume that you are happy to receive all cookies available on our Site.


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