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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

COPD is a group of lung conditions which are, for the most part, caused by smoking.Without discriminating  -the most people that gets affected by this is the adults from middle age .It’s estimated that around 1.2 million people living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)in the UK. This is likely due to a lack of awareness around the symptoms of the condition, with people often mistaking them for something else.

It’s important that people who believe they may have COPD seek a diagnosis. This can help managing the condition and symptoms as well as slow progressing and prevent complications.  

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease


                         Forms of COPD 


In some instances COPD may be graded, depending on how it has progressed from person to person. 

The grading system follow the pattern of:

  • Grade 1: Mild 

  • Grade 2: Moderate 

  • Grade 3: Severe

  • Grade 4: Very Severe

COPD refers to a group of lung conditions: emphysema and chronic bronchitis. 

There is a times where people with COPD will have both of those conditions and as this progresses to the severe and very sever levels it can lead to become very vulnerable to further conditions and complications such as:

  • Heart problems

  • High blood pressure

  • Lung cancer 

  • Depression and anxiety

When further complication and progression of the COPD is being noticed ,it is important to get diagnosed in order to start treatment straightaway, consider your life changes and option of support to still be able to live life fully. 

However as there is no cure for COPD, there are various treatment and care options which can help those with the condition continue to live a fulfilling life and, in some instances, slow the progression of the condition.

Some of the treatments for COPD include:  

  • Lifestyle changes, such as stopping smoking and/or changing your diet

  • Inhalers and medication 

  • Surgery or lung transplant in very severe circumstances 

  • Pulmonary rehabilitation, which is a specialised programme of exercise along with education. 

 For more information on treatments available for COPD, the NHS have outlined a range of options.


 In addition to the treatments outlined above, having the right care and support is essential in living with conditions such as COPD. Whilst you or your loved one may live a long fulfilling life with COPD, having extra care and support especially as the condition progresses can have a positive impact. 

You may consider : 

  • Residential Care home 

  • Nursing care home 

  • Assisted living

  • Live-in care 

  • Home Care 

  • 24-hour care 

The type of care you chose may depends on the progression of your COPD. 

 Symptoms of COPD

The main symptoms of COPD is the breathing difficulty, wheezing and chesty cough and persistent chest infection.

COPD can progress and symptoms will worsen over time, making daily activities more difficult. There is medication to slow the progression of those symptoms but ,as COPD progresses than other symptoms may appear. 

You should contact your GP if : 

  • you loosing weight and fatigue

  • feeling constantly cold 

  • your chest feels tight

  • having trouble catching your breath 

  • Noticed your fingernails or lips are turning blue 

  • Feeling confused and your heartbeats are going faster 

 Living with COPD will often get ‘flare ups’ of symptoms sometimes multiple times a year when symptoms will appear worse – often in wintertime. 

Talk To A Member Of Our Team

Interested in learning more about COPD and how we can help you 

 How can Hearts Kind help with COPD care ?

Hearts Kind are able to provide live-in care for a range of complex conditions, including COPD. With our professional caregivers are able to offer support for complex conditions and care requirements. We make sure you get matched with a carer who is not only highly qualified but also have the experience, kindness  and know how communicate. 

From day-to-housekeeping, cooking, cleaning and supporting with personal care our live-in carers are available for around the clock support. For more complex needs, they can support treatment plans and encourage the continuation of medication schedules. 

For those with more complex care needs – associated with the progression of COPD Hearts Kind are also able to provide 24-hour care which involves two live-in carers and means there will be someone available 24/7 to assist with various care needs. 

How to Get Started With  COPD .....

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Meet Your Carer

We will arrange for you to meet with the carer(s) that we've matched with you, to ensure the match is correct for you. 

We pride ourselves on our quality care and experienced carers.


Start your carer search now 

We are with you all the way

When choosing arts Kind you are fully in control to make your own decision no matter what challenges you are facing, we'll be able to support every step of the way. 

Working from Home

We are only a phone call away: 

Accepting the help of a carer can be tough, and everyone processes it differently. We'll listen to you and your family, answer your questions and support you to choose whats best for you or your loved one.

Your decision your choice:

As you know your strengths, you know what kind of care is best for you. We'll find a carer who is great match for you and you'll get the chance to view their profile, make contact with the carer then make a final decision through your Hearts Kind account. 

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