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NHS Continuing Health Care

As we age, there are various factors that can make it harder to live independently, whether it be illness, mobility concerns or loneliness. 

About NHS Continuing Healthcare
NHS Continuing Healthcare is a fully care funded, paid for by the NHS and administered by your local Clinical Commissioning groups (CCGs).


CCGs replaced Primary Care Trusts (PCT) as NHS organisations set up by the Health and Social Care Act 2012 to organise the delivery of NHS services and they are made up of local GPs and other healthcare professionals.


​They are responsible for ‘commissioning’ – planning, designing and paying for your NHS services including hospital care, rehabilitation, most community services, general practice and mental health services.


NHS Continuing Healthcare is for anyone with long-term health needs and covers every penny of your care costs.  

Regardless of your condition, your in or out of hospital, your looking for care home or for care at home, you should apply for Continuing Healthcare and if you get accepted, you won’t have to worry about care costs. If you don`t get accepted you should still get your needs assessed by the NHS as  this could help you to getting the local authority funding . 


NHS Continuing Healthcare is for those with long-term complex health needs and can qualify for free social care who is funded only by the NHS. 


Who Is Eligible For Continuing Health Care?

To be eligible for NHS continuing healthcare, you must be assessed by a team of healthcare professionals (nurse or social worker) The health care professional will look at all your care needs and if you have significant health needs, you may be eligible for NHS continuing healthcare. The main points of your assessment the healthcare professionals focus on:

  • what help you need more 

  • How complex your needs are 

  • How intense your needs are 


Situations in which you should be assessed for Continuing Healthcare


In many situation your assessment for continuing healthcare can be because :

Woman helping an elderly man with shopping

How To Apply For Continuing Healthcare Assessment?

To apply for Continuing Healthcare, you need to contact with a medical or social care professional who understand your needs. Also, you must contact directly the NHS Continuing Healthcare team at your local (CCG). Clinical commissioning groups (CCG)  will assess you for NHS continuing healthcare if they think that you need it , but before that for most people, there`s an initial checklist assessment, which is used to decide whether you need a full assessment .

 If you need care urgently because of a terminal illness , your assessment may be fast-tracked. 


If you are in hospital - and don`t understand the process, you should find someone to help by visiting the  Patient Advice and Liaison Services or  Social Worker  or, you may want to speak directly with your ward consultant. 


If you are not in hospital - the first thing, you should apply to Continuing Healthcare before applying to the Local Authority funding. 


Initial NHS Continuing Healthcare Assessment 

The initial checklist assessment can be completed by a nurse, doctor other healthcare professional or social worker and after you being assessed you should be told of your outcome. 

If you don`t meet the criteria for NHS Continuing Healthcare then you would not be eligible ,or if you do meet the criteria then you would be referred for a full assessment of eligibility . 


Full NHS Continuing Healthcare Assessment

After the initial  NHS Continuing Healthcare assessment will be undertaking a full assessment which will involve 2 different healthcare professionals meeting with you (nurse and social worker). 

The healthcare professionals will take a note of every details of the assessment which this goes under the following headings : 

  • breading 

  • nutrition (food and drink0

  • continence

  • skin (including wounds and ulcers)

  • mobility

  • communication

  • psychological and emotional needs

  • cognition (understanding)

  • Behaviours 

  • drug therapist and medication

  • altered states of consciousness 

  • other significant care needs

  • ​

After the assessment this will then be reviewed by the CCG and you will be informed of their decision. 

If you are eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare then, care package will be arranged for you to meet your needs.


After the start of your care package, normally within 3 months or yearly will be arranged a review for your existing assessed care needs. 


Depending on your situation, if you are not eligible for the NHS Continuing Healthcare , different option could be suitable to be supported in your own home. 

Further Information

 For NHS Continuing Healthcare 

What Happens If I Refuse The Assessment For NHS Continuing Healthcare?

If you are refusing the NHS Continuing Healthcare then the assessment cannot be carried out without your consent.

However, if you refusing the NHS Continuing Healthcare ,you still be entitled to apply for an assessment from your local authority but this would  not be guaranteed of the service provided to you. Is a legal limit on the tape of services that the local authority can provide. 


In some instance if you are refusing the NHS Continuing Healthcare assessment, CCG will try to find out why you are refusing and addressing your concerns. 

If there is a lack mental capacity to consent to or just refusing the assessment, the principle of the Mental Capacity Act will be applied to proceed with the assessment in your best interest. 

Further Information

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